Things falls apart so better things will come your way!!

بِسْمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحْمٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

Things falls apart so better things will come your way…..there is a reason why they didn’t make it to your future. When it is meant to will come your way and it will happen sooner or later….If things are not meant to be…Something more better awaits you…be strong and be more hopeful.

Everything in life is temporary, if things are going good, enjoy it. If things are going bad, don’t worry, it can’t last forever either.

You may not always understand why Allah allows certain things to happen, but you can be certain that Allah is not making any mistakes!

Its better to let someone walk away from you than walk all over you.You don’t deserve to be a doormat. Let go of those who have hurt you, and make room for those who actually deserve you and want to treat you well.

You have to accept the fact that some people will never fit into your life, no matter how much you want them to.

Allah sometimes removes a person from your life for your own good. Don’t run after them.

Life is too short to be stressed over those people who even don’t deserve to be an issue in your life.

The biggest mistake a person can make in life is letting people stay in their life far longer than they deserve.

Value yourself and don’t associate with people who aren’t worthy of your presence or your friendship.

People can be Cruel, and they will be. People can hurt you, break your heart and they will. But only YOU can let them Keep hurting you. You can get rid of those people who are constantly hurting you or Find people that will make you grow into strong person and that will keep bringing you Immense happiness into your life everyday. The choice is yours.

We can trust that when things don’t work out the way we want, Allah has something better planned.

What ever is meant for you will be coming your way, while you are led and directed toward it…As for that which is not meant for you, you will be deflected from it as it is turned aside from you.

Sometimes things fall apart so better things can fall together and come into your life.

Don’t worry if you are single. When the right time comes God will send your gift to you in unexpected ways. Allah is saving you a perfect match. His plans for you is always for the best.

I believe Allah does the most amazing things to people… just like a butterfly do not see their beauty…. some of His angels here on earth do not see their worth either… Know you are Blessed and He is using you for great things.

Being single doesn’t mean you are weak; it means you are strong enough to wait for what you really deserve.

When people walk away from you…let them go… your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you… and it doesn’t mean they are bad people…it just means that their part in your story is over

Nothing is permanent in this world – not even our troubles. so have hope always.

” In life we all lose one thing or the other; might be a job, relationship etc. It’s very normal. But don’t grieve over your losses. Why? Because Allah always has a better replacement for them. So whenever you lose something, tell yourself, there’s something better waiting for me.”

-Via Ibn Khalid

About Shads

I discovered and started realising and relearning the meaning of islam and truth and way of life and thus sharing my knowledge. By profession, I am a researcher studying human behaviour.
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