How do I cry?

بِسْمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحْمٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

Anonymous asked:

How do i soften my heart, how do i cry?

This hurts my heart. Because there is nothing worse than the feeling of feeling numb unable to cry.

There are many ways. First one is the most important read the Qur’an if you can understand Arabic even better. Reciting it and understanding is different you recite, but you must feel what’s coming out of your mouth, contemplate, go park and read, read whilst you wait for your bus, on the bus, everywhere you can, in shaa Allah read it will soften your heart and without meaning to you will cry even in places you don’t want to.

Secondly wake up early, pray night prayer, light some candles and just don’t rush the isn’t going anywhere, sleep is just another pleasure you can sleep anytime. But first before you pray sit on the floor, gather your thoughts. Think about the most difficult time in your life. And how Allah has saved you, how He comforted you. Think about your deeds, the way you talk to people, your parents. Think about what type of human being you were or are.

The one thing that should make you cry should be the fact that you are tearless for the sake of your Lord.

Thirdly, surround yourself with the fragile, unable and innocent, and the sick. Talk to them, hold their hands. And watch as they wait for their time, struggle of old age and ending of life. Those who still have faith. And Remind yourself “this will be me” slowly your heart will move.

whenever it rains hard, if you are in good health and don’t get sick often. In a secluded area let the rain fall on your hair face and body. If there is thunder look up and with certainty know that if Allah wills He can strike you with it. But in that moment He doesn’t Wallahi that alone should shake you. Rain hides many things, you can cry without knowing whether its the rain or your tears. Don’t be afraid and let every blessing hit your skin. Make duaa for others. Seek refuge and slowly even if you have to pretend cry.

Lastly, always be kind. No matter the situation, help those around you, feed the poor the needy and Allah’s animals. And be careful of what comes out of your mouth refrain from getting angry, let your nature be soft.

May Allah protect you from a hard heart, May He soften you and your nature. May He Love you. Ameen.


-Ukhti Fillah Rahimakumulla



About Shads

I discovered and started realising and relearning the meaning of islam and truth and way of life and thus sharing my knowledge. By profession, I am a researcher studying human behaviour.
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